Thursday, February 13
SPPU Skill Development Centre

Admission - Bachelor of Vocation for the Year 2020-21

The Skill Development Centre (SDC), offers 3 Years Undergraduate Degree Program Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) in Automotive Automation, Automotive Manufacturing, IT-ITeS, Renewable Energy, Jewellery design & Gemology, Retail Management and Supply Chain Management. These are an Industry Oriented Programs comprising Industrial Training and Industrial Projects

Why Bachelor of Vocation?

B.Voc. is introduced with the needs of the economy so as to ensure that the graduates of higher education system have adequate knowledge and skills for employment and entrepreneurship. The higher education system has to incorporate the requirements of various industries in its curriculum, in an innovative and flexible manner while developing a holistic and well-groomed graduate. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has launched a scheme on skills development based higher education as part of college/university education, leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) Degree with multiple exits such as Diploma / Advanced Diploma under the NSQF. The B.Voc. programme is focused on universities and colleges providing undergraduate studies which would also incorporate specific job roles and their NOSs along with broad based general education. This would enable the graduates completing B.Voc. to make a meaningful participation in accelerating India’s economy by gaining employment, becoming entrepreneurs and creating appropriate knowledge.

Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc) Intake Course Coordinator Contact
Automotive Automation 50 9850980071 Dr. P U More
Automotive Manufacturing 50 9423327598 Mr. A A Ranaware
It-ITeS 50 8087683753 Mr. A A Nikam
Renewable Energy 50 9011015573 Dr. S D Gunjal
Jewelry Design & Gemology 30 9011092644 Dr. A Mookherjee
Retail Management 30 9226245152 Dr. R S Ahuja
Supply Chain Management 30 9881409638 Dr. A R Ramteke
Eligibility for Bachelor of Vocation

Students who have passed / appear for HSC OR Equivalent in Science / Vocational / MCVC stream & not graduate.

Students who have passed / appear for HSC OR Equivalent in Commerce / Vocational / MCVC stream & not graduate.

Entrance Examination for Academic Year 2020-21

Website Link for online application
Start date of online application 01st June 2020
End date of online application 10th August 2020
Date of Entrance Test Will be announced on the official webpage of SPPU*

Entrance Examination Pattern

The Online Entrance Examination (OEE) will be of 100 Marks with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s). The Online Entrance Exam paper will consist of Two sections: 

1. Section A – General Knowledge / Aptitude / Logic / Comprehension : 20 Marks

 2. Section B – Subject Specific Questions : 80 Marks 

Detailed syllabus is available on official webpage of Skill Development Centre. For details please go through – 

Dr. (Capt.) C.M.Chitale
Director, Skill Development Centre,
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007.
Phone No. – 020 – 25622007,
E-mail –

For further information on admission, please contact Ms. M.V. Khadse 7666761708

For online application click on :