CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB) is a premier Institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), engaged in research of national importance in the areas of genomics, molecular medicine, bioinformatics and proteomics.
Its Mission is to translate concepts developed in basic biological research to commercially viable technologies for health care.
Core areas of Research are;
- Genomics and Molecular Medicine
- Cardio Respiratory Disease Biology
- Chemical and Systems Biology
- Informatics and Big Data
- Integrative and Functional Biology
Post-doctoral Opportunities
IGIB offers students and young researchers several avenues to kick-start their research career: Research Associate: Research Associates, after completing their Ph.D, can either join CSIR projects or bring in their own Fellowship like the CSIR Research Associateship or DBT Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme.
Ph.D at IGIB
Ph.D programme: IGIB conducts its own selection process for Ph.D candidates. The selected students are assigned to laboratories of mutual choice. The compulsory course-work is designed to provide an orientation towards research, imbibe principles and methodology of doing research and familiarize the Ph.D students with the activities of the Institute. Please visit the site for up-to-date information on the eligibility criteria and selection process.
Project Assistants
Project Assistants: IGIB conducts monthly interviews to select temporary project staff with qualifications ranging from Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D in different branches of science and medicine. Visit the website for information on the projects with positions open, eligibility criteria and expected remuneration.
Short-term Internship/Training
CSIR-IGIB provides opportunities for internship/training to students with good academic record as well as interest and aptitude in research. The Maximum duration of the internship/training can be upto one year.
How to Apply
Students interested in training, may apply directly to the scientists (for scientist details please click on the link SCIENTISTS of their choice by sending an email with the following documents as scanned attachments.
(i) Concise CV with educational details and marks obtained. Include prior research experience attained with duration and place.
(ii) Scanned copy of a letter from the Head of the Institute stating you are a bonafide student and would be interning as part of the course requirements, if applicable.
Please mention the Period of training in the email along with your specific interests and briefly explain why you would be interested in pursuing the internship in the particular lab you are applying to at CSIR-IGIB.
Selection of trainee depends upon the suitability of the candidate and requirement/lab space in the concerned lab in the institute.
Depending upon your request and vacancy during the session, individual scientists will respond to you. A formal acceptance e-mail will then follow from Human Resources Division, CSIR-IGIB regarding the formalities to be completed.
For any other specific queries, please send an e-mail to s.balachandran@igib.res.in